Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reply to Sarah Powers

Dear Sarah Jazaane Powers,
You are definitely not amazing and you always let me down with you human like structure. You eat me and don't even think about what I have to go through. You may not realize this but you put me in your mouth and I melt. I'm cool with that but, I am then swallowed where your body brakes me down to where I am nothing but fat, sugar, and calories. It hurts. If i try to put you in the freezer you say your to cold. So, whats the point in liking me if we can not even be next to for more then 3 minutes. I also have to admit that I'm in love with that fine lady you introduced as "The Cone." And I know you loved that cookie cake you ate last Friday. I am sorry to say that our relationship has melted away to nothing.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Love Poem

I love Anthony Michael Giver
And his gorgeous flowing, stiff, blond hair
I'm sure he has a good liver.
His body is quite fair.

I would be lost in the mud,
if it wasn't for him.
This hunk is a stud.
He has nice limbs.

His flaws are invisible.
He never quivers.
I like his tattoo symbol
I love Anthony Michael Giver.